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Showing 21–40 of 68 results
Fielder XT导丝
Finecross™ MG Coronary Micro-Guide catheter微导管
GALAXY G3™ Microcoil 弹簧圈
Gateway PTA Balloon Catheter(PTA球囊导管)
Guiding Catheter(5FMPD)导引导管
Headway Microcatheter微导管
HydroCoil Embolic System with V-Trak Delivery System栓塞弹簧圈
Infusion Catheter灌注导管
Interlock-18 Fibered IDC Occlusion System可解脱带纤维毛弹簧圈栓塞系统
Interlock-35 Fibered IDC Occlusion System可解脱带纤维毛弹簧圈栓塞系统
Intra-Aortic Balloon(IAB) Catheter Kit主动脉内球囊反搏导管及附件
InZone Detachment System & IZDS Connecting Cable可解脱弹簧圈分离系统
LitePAC Rapid Exchange PTA Balloon CatheterPTA球囊导管
LVIS Jr. Intraluminal Support Device颅内超微支架系统
Marathon Flow Directed Micro Catheter漂浮微导管
Mustang PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheters(PTA球囊扩张导管)
Navien Intracranial Support Catheter颅内支撑导管
NC Euphora Rapid Exchange Balloon Dilatation Catheter快速交换球囊扩张导管
Neuroform Atlas Stent System颅内支架系统
Neuron Max System输送导管